Light and Optics Light and Optics Topic 1: Light Sources
Light can come from many sources such as;
Bioluminescence: The production of light from Living Sources
Fluroescent: From electricity
Incandescent: From heat
Phosphorescent: Light released by certain materials after they're exposed to another light source (ex. Glow in the Dark)
Chemiluminescent: From a chemical reaction
LED: Emits light when light passes through
Properties of Light
Light can be reflected, absorbed or transmitted.
Light is energy
Light travels in straight lines
Light can bend
How Objects Interact with Light
Opaque: Fully absorbs light, not see through
Translucent: Transmits some light, blurry, transmission
Transparent: Transmits all light
Frequency refers to the number of waves in a given time. The more waves the more frequent. Topic 2: Optics
Refraction: The bending of light when it travels from one density to another
Light bends because it changes speed when it moves through different densities/materials.
If the light is travelling into a MORE DENSE substance, the ray moves TOWARD the normal line
If the light is travelling into a LESS DENSE substance, the ray moves AWAY from the normal line An image of a Concave lens. Concave diverges images, making it seem bigger. Look how thin it is, like a cave! A Convex lens makes it seem smaller. Topic 3: Vision Eye Anatomy
How does an eye see?
Cornea: A lens that directs light entering the eye toward the pupil. Also protects the eye
Lens: Focuses light, the cilary muscle controls the shape of the lens. Think about contact lenses, it's a circle in the eye.
Retina: The lining of the eye, forms an image
Optic Nerve: Sends image to the brain and flips the image
Pupil: Opening to the inner eye
Iris: Controls size of pupil, close to the lens. Myopia is nearsightedness, Hyperopia is farsightedness. A concave lens will fix Myopia, a convex lens will fix Hyperopia.